Go EAST, Young man

I'm writing you this BLOG from... hold on ... let me check.... 18,100 ft. above Macedonia! I'm in a backwards facing seat and can literally reach around and touch the pilot from here in this small jet. Our second flight now on this 8 passenger craft- a cigar tube. So far we've flown in and out of Macedonia. There have been some great surprises on this run in the form of unexpectedly great people from places I've only heard of but knew nothing about. I'll separate this long (make-up) entry into 2 postings: Czech & Slovenia, and Greece & Macedonia. Find these 2 postings below. (Greece might take a while- What a trip!)
Czech Rep.
This was another festival over 20,000 fans stayin up late to rock out. I kinda wish we were in Prague, and this was a small town in the middle of nowhere. This crowd was there for a more metal billing overall, but showed us love none the less. They either didn't know the words or know how to pronounce the words, as the sing-alongs were a little challenged. We got out quickly for the drive to....
Slovenia rocked! It was our own show and the folks there were very ready to see this band. Everything was cheap and the hotel was the most technologically advanced I've ever been in. Everything from videos, internet, movies, even the door unlock was on either the small, intuitive remote control or the matching mini keyboard. Wireless access of course.
Many of you who know me know that I need to get out and be with the locals to really get the best vibe of a country, as opposed to being a hotel room recluse. So I met a great bunch of folks who invited me to a home cooked meal and drinks into the wee hours. Very San Franciscan experience overall if I must say! One girl was about 6ft 3in and is a cop. On the way to dinner I got to experience her highway driving skills firsthand- not that I think I had a choice! A bit scary, but I embrace adventure!
The crowd kicked MAJOR ARSE! We were very close to them with a very minimal pit area, so there was lots of contact and reciprocation. They cheered and cheered and sang. Afterwards I checked out a local scene (The Skeleton Bar) before retiring back to the internet ranch. I ran out of batteries, so no pics here :-(
I seee you in live finaly!!!The GIG was... was... was...WOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW...First line...Doug and Thimoty in front of me...DC everywhereeee! You and Reb to the other side...but comeing time to time to see you closely.... I'm still so excited!!! Probably you will - can remember who I was...I send you kiss and you ask me with your hand is it for me I send you again and that was for youuu realyyyy!!! You are AWSOMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I will send you some videos and pic from you and guys...probably by email to have beautiful memories from Macedonia...You dissapointed me a little to the end of concert you didn't give me nothing from you when you ask for that...you said I don't have...but never mind maybe next time...i hope :P...I love ya anyway!!!...and sending you kisses again...But I get one ...hmmmm how to said it in english...that little thing that you play with it from...Doug and said BIG thanks from me to him!!! I have one good photo from him and I will send it to you to give to him and from you tooo...Your smile and crazynes was fabulous...:)))))))))))))))
I will never forget that night! Never....ever!...I'm not WS virgin anymoreeeeeeeeeee!!!!! I cannot waithing for next time!!!!!
I wait for your review from Macedonia! And write you again!
Kisses, Love, Hugs, best wishes...everithing!!!!!!!
Ohhh Uriah...that cigar tube of plane, it was smaller that I expected :))...But it was good adventure for u, I see...To write the post from a plane under Macedonia...it seems good experiance for u...:)
I hope you will have chance do that again...next time...when you comeing in Maceodnia...Please...write quick the contnue of story...:)
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