On the Plane... Inbetween
Let me explain...
Alright... Here's an in-between post, on the plane from Japan to the UK. I have to admit that over the course of the past 2-weeks, I've become a JUNKIE. I'll preface by letting you know that I don't watch much TV. But when you're in the business of touring, there's so much down time you'll go mad without finding SOMETHING to keep you occupied. Laptops have been our personal sidekicks and main company (for most of us, band and crew). Combine that with the fact that the iTunes music store has recently started selling various TV episodes... even full seasons of many popular shows- shows I would never watch otherwise. So now I'm a junkie.
This whole tour I've been hooked on the showtime series "Sleeper Cell', about an undercover FBI agent (a black Muslim) whom after being released from prison, penetrates a hidden terrorist cell in Los Angeles. Along side this show, I started downloading and watching episodes of "Lost". Now I'm hooked like a junkie. When I should be falling asleep at night, I put on an episode. But the show is chock-full of interesting character development, heavily thickening plots, and (especially) cliffhangers that keep me up WAY past my bedtime. At the end of every episode I can't help but yell "Fuck this show!", because it makes me fiend for another fix right away! Sleep has been compromised on many occasion, including right now on the plane! I just finished Sleeper Cell's two-hour finale, only to continue with Lost- 2 episodes in a row. I'm about to watch a third. I need help!
On a more serious note, I've also noticed that I am always looking for a fix... always occupying my free time with back to back activities, without tending to anything that's going on in my life. Not just with the TV downloads, but with everything. I must realize that life hasn't stopped because I'm not home. I shouldn't let whatever disease I have of letting important things in my life fall through the cracks, and then chalk it up to "Rock Stardom". I need to stay in better touch with loved ones. I need to do business with people- get back to them. I need music to be a part of my life (not just an hour every other day or so). I'm actively and at no one's fault other than my own, missing out on precious LIFE. These are some of the things that I'm going through right now. Who knows- maybe I'll call YOU next- if even to say 'Hi'.
It's not that I'm terrible- I just am not currently living to my potential and am beginning to see mega room for improvement. Perhaps as we get older, we are able to handle more things simultaneously, and should.
So I'll work more on rest, exercise and general participation in my life, others lives, and in music, etc... as soon as I get off the plane! (I've got another episode to watch right now!!! (Its the one where Boon and Lock look for the dog in the jungle, then find Clair returning instead!). F*&# this show!!!
a few days later...
*** Update! I actually picked up my bass for fun and it felt so great! This is something I rarely ever do when I'm not workin. I don't really listen to music anymore either, but I purchased the Coheed and Cambria CD and have been playing it non-stop! I'm ready to participate in life again, I think! Hiatus over!
even a few days more later...
*** Update 2! Almost done with LOST, then I found out there's a Season 2! Sheeeet! So today I'm waking up before my first gig in the UK with Whitesnake by downloading samples of American Idol winnner Taylor Hicks. I've never seen the show, but was curious after hearing about this underdog winner. He has a great song selection and sings his ass off! But while I wait for the stuff to download, who am I playing in the background? KING DIAMOND- YEAH!!!! David and I share this dichotomy of a love and feeling for soulful music, but perform succesfully in a Rock band. Like when he joined Deep Purple. Like when I left the Family Stone for WS. (listening to Chimaira now).
:) Hey Uriah,
U surpised me with this post! Really!
I understad you copletely, but you must find some other things to do not only whatching shows...:)
Computers are usefull for many others things, not just for whatching TV :)
Maybe it will be more interesting to contact with your fans more often with emails, going out in the cities that you are,exploring that cities, chating with firends or unnown persons, searching the net, find some interesting books to read, contact everyday with your loved ones, do things that usualy do when u are home, playing your bass, exercize...live your tour life in different way...you have a lot of choises, not only some shows :)
u can contact me to this email or on MSN: allita80@hotmail.com
Kisses and hugs,
Ana :)
Ahhh.. Ana- Hello.
You see, in the post I tell that I do most of the things you suggest. In fact that IS my problem! I'm very friendly, personable, exploritive, etc... I'm always finding creative things to do - perhaps moreso than anyone else here. But there are things in life that we HAVE to do, and I sometimes put these off- both on the road AND at home. Organisation; taxes; laundry; calling loved ones, chores, errands etc.
In being the way I am, it feels like I've built many solid foundations in my life, but never complete the building- only more foundations always. I must turn these foundations into mansions! The two suggestions in your comment that stand out to me are Contacting Everyday with loved ones, and playing my bass. The two things I love the most in life are the two things I neglect consistanly. I just don't do either and it sucks! First I need to find out why, then, figure out how to change this. No more abandoned foundations!
That's all for now. Thanks for your input :-)
First of all tnx for your respond...I'm very honored from your post:)
See sometimes in life we neglect the most important things in our life, but if you think again why is that you will find the conclusion that I have it now.... I do many things and neglect the most important things in my life my family and my passion music, and you are not the only one, the life is going in that way and cannot stop that...because we know that the family will always be there for us and our passions are here all the time, we know that somewhere in our minds that we can back to them every time and that they will never let us down in these moments...because of that we do anything and unconsciously neglect that presious things...:)
Sometimes I hate my self for that too, but I trying to fix that and do that things more often, because when I do that I'm more happyer than ever...Your loved once understand you why is like that and your bass too:)i don't belive that is not like that...just take him more often now when you have free time and surprise your loved once every day with letter or pic, or sms, or whatever...it takes only few minutes :) I do that when I don't have time for anything,one sms and they know that I think about them...and I'm more peacefull when they back to me...:)
P.S. Sorry about my bad English...hope u understand me :P
:) Hello there!
Is good to hear that you are great!Yeaaah! Tnx for updates :) I whish u all the best in UK and hope that we will have fresh informations for situations there...I hope that you and band enjoy your stay in UK and that you will rock them soooo good...:)
Have a best Gigs ever and stay in good mood like always...
Love ....Ana
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